Thursday, December 26, 2019

Indice de aprobación de visas de turista por país

El à ºltimo aà ±o, EE.UU. emitià ³ un total de 6.740.754 visas de turista sus embajadas y consulados de todo el mundo, pero hay una gran diferencia en el porcentaje de visas que se aprueban segà ºn la nacionalidad del solicitante. En las estadà ­sticas del aà ±o fiscal 2018 de las visas de turista – tambià ©n conocidas como de placer, paseo, B2 o la conjunta B1/B2 o combinada con la BCC o de là ¡ser o de cruce. Estas à ºltimas solamente se emiten a los mexicanos que residen a lo largo de la frontera terrestre con EE.UU. Sin embargo, en estas cifras no està ¡n incluidos los turistas que ingresaron sin Visa a EE.UU. por ser nacionales de uno los 38 paà ­ses incluidos en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados (VWP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), como chilenos y espaà ±oles. Por lo tanto, las estadà ­sticas de chilenos y espaà ±oles no aplica a la totalidad de turistas de esas nacionalidades que ingresaron a EE.UU. el aà ±o pasado sino tan solo a las personas que, por cualquier razà ³n, no pueden acogerse al VWP como, por ejemplo, haber previamente estado ilegalmente en el paà ­s o desear permanecer en EE.UU. por mà ¡s de 90 dà ­as, etc. Porcentaje de visas de turista aprobadas por nacionalidad Los siguientes son los porcentajes de visas de turista aprobadas en relacià ³n al total de solicitudes,  segà ºn la nacionalidad del solicitante durante el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal: Argentina: 98,27%Bolivia: 77,81%Chile: 88,66%Colombia: 64,89%Costa Rica: 90,09%Cuba: 49,03%Ecuador: 68,62%El Salvador: 48,51%Espaà ±a: 85,96%Guatemala: 46,38%Honduras: 39,68%Mà ©xico: 75,07%Nicaragua: 53,35%Panamà ¡: 88,29%Paraguay: 91,98%Perà º: 71,47%Repà ºblica Dominicana: 50,46%Uruguay: 95,89%Venezuela: 25,72% Estas cifras son por nacionalidad, sin que importar en quà © consulado o en quà © paà ­s solicitaron la visa. Y es que à ©sta puede solicitarse fuera del paà ­s de residencia habitual, pero en ningà ºn caso mejora la posibilidad de sacar la visa y, sin embargo, sà ­ que puede perjudicarla.  ¿Por quà © algunas nacionalidades tienen à ­ndices de negacià ³n de la visa visa mà ¡s altas que otras? La visa de turista puede ser denegada por muchas razones. Pero la mà ¡s frecuente en todo el mundo es la de no acreditar suficientemente lazos econà ³micos y/o familiares o sociales en el lugar de residencia habitual. Es decir, el oficial consular sospecha que el solicitante de la visa puede quedarse en los Estados Unidos mà ¡s tiempo del autorizado o quieren aprovechar su estadà ­a para trabajar. Este problema puede afectar en todo el mundo por igual a solicitantes jà ³venes de cualquier paà ­s que cuando fueron nià ±os nunca tuvieron una visa americana. Sin embargo, en algunos consulados en particular ese tipo de sospechas son, en general, altas para todos los solicitantes, cualquiera que sea su edad. Las razones son varias, por ejemplo, la inestabilidad polà ­tica, econà ³mica y social de un paà ­s, que se refleja en el alto à ­ndice de sus ciudadanos que en los aà ±os anteriores obtuvieron una visa de turista, viajaron a EE.UU. y se han quedado mà ¡s tiempo del autorizado. Por ejemplo, el aà ±o pasado todas las solicitudes de visa de turista de ciudadanos de Andorra, Liechtenstein, Mà ³naco y Vaticano fueron aprobadas. Son paà ­ses estables con à ­ndices bajà ­simos de violaciones migratorias por parte de sus ciudadanos. En el otro extremo se encuentran Corea del Norte y Micronesia. En el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal EE.UU. denegà ³ todas las solicitudes de visa de turista de los ciudadanos de esos dos estados. Un caso a destacar, porque ilustra muy bien este punto, es el de Venezuela. El aà ±o pasado, fueron rechazadas el 74,28 por ciento de solicitudes de visas de turista realizadas por venezolanos en cualquier embajada o consulado de EE.UU. en todo el mundo. En otras palabras, solo una de cuatro peticiones fue aprobada. Diez aà ±os antes, en el aà ±o fiscal 2008, solamente fueron rechazadas un 25,4 por ciento de las visas de turistas solicitadas por venezolanos. Es decir, tres de cada cuatro solicitudes era aprobada.  ¿Quà © saben los consulados sobre el solicitante de una visa? Otro factor que puede influenciar en la diferencia de à ­ndices de aprobacià ³n de las visas es la mayor tendencia en algunos paà ­ses a presentar documentos falsos o realizar declaraciones exageradas, en muchos casos animados por asesorà ­as que venden servicios varios para mejorar la chance de sacar la visa. Las informaciones de los consulados varà ­an de paà ­s a paà ­s pero en general puede decirse que antes de que el solicitante de la visa se presente delante del oficial consular para la entrevista ya el personal consular ha realizado una importante labor. Siempre se verifica la identidad del solicitante en bases de datos propias del gobierno estadounidense y que tienen la misma informacià ³n que los puntos migratorios de entrada a EE.UU. Tambià ©n se verifican los datos biomà ©tricos despuà ©s de tomar huellas y fotos al solicitante. Un grupo de empleados, que pueden ser estadounidenses o locales de gran confianza, busca por cualquier anomalà ­a que pueda aparecer en la aplicacià ³n de la visa. Si algo les llama la atencià ³n, proceden a una investigacià ³n mà ¡s en profundidad. Toda esa informacià ³n se presenta al oficial consular que va a llevar a cabo la entrevista y por eso puede tomar una decisià ³n sobre aprobar o negar la visa en apenas dos minutos. Ademà ¡s, à ©ste puede acceder desde su computadora a todos los expedientes que puede tener el solicitante de la visa como, por ejemplo, previas solicitudes y conocer incluso todas las anotaciones realizadas por otros oficiales consulares desde otro consulado ubicado en cualquier lugar del mundo. Con respecto a la duda de si pueden verificar la informacià ³n de los informes bancarios, no es posible pedir un estado del balance de una cuenta de un ciudadano que no es estadounidense. Sin embargo, por diversos medios sà ­ que es posible para los consulados obtener confirmacià ³n por parte de los bancos sobre si los informes presentados son real y si fueron emitidos en la fecha que consta. La presentacià ³n de documento falsos da lugar a la negacià ³n de la visa por fraude de ley y equivale a cavar uno su propia tumba ya que es un problema muy difà ­cil de solucionar. Serà ­a necesario obtener un perdà ³n o waiver, que es muy complicado obtener. Puntos Clave: visas de turista aprobadas y rechazadas en FY2018 6.740.745: nà ºmero de visas de turista B2, B1/B2 y combinacià ³n B1/B2/BCC aprobadas por los consulados de EE.UU. en todo el mundo en aà ±o fiscal 2018.China: paà ­s con mà ¡s visas de turista aprobadas, seguido de Mà ©xico y, en tercer lugar, India.0% solicitudes de visas de turista aprobadas: Corea del Norte y Micronesia.100% solicitudes de visas de turista aprobadas: Andorra, Liechtenstein, Mà ³naco, Vaticano y Sahara Occidental.Factores que influyen en diferencias de à ­ndices de aprobacià ³n: falta de estabilidad econà ³mica, polà ­tica o social de un paà ­s, altos porcentajes de nacionales de un paà ­s que se quedan en EE.UU. mà ¡s tiempo que el autorizado y altos à ­ndices de presentacià ³n de papeles fraudulentos o declaraciones falsas durante el proceso de solicitud de visa. Este no es un artà ­culo legal, es solo informativo.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

English 102 - Argumentative Essay - 1527 Words

Watler 1 Brian Watler Jr Patricia Ebanks ENG 102 February 3, 2011 Perversion: intellectually transmitted Sexual thoughts pop in and out of most people’s mind, but especially teenagers, and there’s nothing they can do about it. It is normal for teenage boys and girls to experience this, more than ever when they are hitting puberty. The hormones in the body begin to act up and teenagers want to experience other things on their own. Males begin to grow pubic and facial hairs, and their voice starts to deepen, while girls’ breasts begin to develop and their body begins to take shape. After hitting puberty, teenagers are now at the point where they want to experience things. ‚Don’t go out there and get pregnant‛ a mother†¦show more content†¦When I was only 11 years old, my male friends would ask me if I have ever masturbated. I had no idea what it was and quite frankly I was not really interested. It was the in thing to say that a guy was weird if he did not masturbate. Because of the continued conversations on this topic and finally felt th e urge to step in and ask what it was. One of the guys mentioned everything about it, and that he had gone on to a specific website to find that out. Of course, it was foreign to me because never did I hear that term in my life. My friend had not heard it either, so he went online to research for himself. Yes, I understand that things such as that are difficult to commute to a young child, but it is better to inform children at a younger age, because then their minds will believe what is heard. Children do what their parents do and say, so if parents informed their child at a young age, they would probably not want to rummage around for explicit material on their own. He even went on to say things about imagining things about girls, which he called: ‚dirteh tinking.‛ Lust of the mind is something ever teenager has experienced or will experience. They will have an attraction to the opposite sex some time in their life. However, if parents would only take the time to ment ion the crucial issues, and the effects, teens would probably hate it in their minds. Joseph Knable, Sex and the Single Guy author, states that If we tolerate lust, we give sin a foot in the door andShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis : English 102971 Words   |  4 PagesStarting this year, I thought English 102 was just going to be another general education requirement I needed to have in order to graduate. English has never been my favorite subject, so I guess it is safe to say that I was not super excited about this class. However, this class turned out to be different then I thought. It turned out to be more useful then I originally thought. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Review of Empirical Research Method †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Review of Empirical Research Method. Answer: Introduction Business research method is helpful for processing the collection of determining a product that can satisfy particular needs of the consumers. In the present study, a research study has been conducted on the technology and innovation adopted by a business. In this regards, potential business research problems related to the adoption is discussed along with appraisal of the issue. In addition, a critical literature review on the research topic is carried out in the study. Apart from these, a research proposal is developed with proposal of quantitative as well as qualitative data and other suitable methods of research methodology. The sheer pace of technological development in the business is overwhelming that seems to have many products to select. There are several products and pressures of new technology adoption that can easily cause organizations to make mistakes and overlook issues. The business has come to rely on specific technology keeping them up-to-date as well as compete in the market for getting inspired by innovation (Bryman and Bell 2015). On the other hand, technology becomes integrated and used in order to manage inventory and communication way. Adoption of technology would be helpful to provide competitive advantages. However, there are some limitations of using technology in business. It cost expenses for adopting technology. Additionally, security issues are involved with the use of new technology. Hence, some people are part of final creation. In addition, distractions may be generated for adopting technology in business. In order to remain competitive in global economy, businesses require adopting an ever changing environment in order to encounter requirements of the customers. Staying competitive in business evolve as a business organization as well as making changes in the procedure as well as technology in order to obtain competitive edge over their competition. Additionally, the organizations need to adopt new technology as well as managing challenges, which goes along with implementation of the changes (Joe Jr et al. 2014). However, changes in nature can be helpful to provide important advantages to the organizations. Present challenges that require to be managed and give positive results. The issues arise when the enterprises make an attempt bringing in new technology without appropriate management and training for the staffs. Develop appropriate research objectives and justify their choice Following are the research objectives that need to be fulfilled in the research. To identify the factors that are responsible for gaining competitive advantages in business To critically analyze the benefits obtained for adopting technology in business To critically evaluate the risks related to the adoption of technology in business To recommend solution for overcoming the risks Technology is a modern concept which involves accepting the various innovations in science to address in the business solutions. This helps in the creation of a better and an automated solution. Although, the most important benefit in the use of the features of technology in business is efficiency in productions, there are several other benefits of its applications as well. The first benefit in the application of technology in business is the increase in speed of the process. This reduces the time required for addressing the business processes and saves time. This is the most important uses of technology which is also adopted by the small businesses for competing against the large ones (Brinkmann 2014). For example, emails are a new way of doing businesses which has totally changes the way of communications. The past era included communicating via telephone or mail which was a time consuming process. The use of email or video calls has greatly enhanced the operations in businesses. The next benefit is the storage enhancement which has also made great innovations in the business processes. For example, in the past times, the businesses stored their data in large physical files which made it a great problem for storing vast data. Now-a-days, the use of a database or the cloud solutions has totally made the storage applications easier. In addition, the use of secondary storage devices are also another innovations that have been applied in business processes to make it easier for storing information in the offline mode. The third benefit is the improved reach of businesses. This has made potential businesses reach out to the vast number of audiences in each and every part of the world. The past workings of businesses included applying for marketing aspects to gather insights from an area and then get revenue accordingly. The process was a very long one which involved sending a considerable amount of time to get insights from the audiences and then applying the gathered insights accordingly to get sales. Now-a-days the use of technology can be adopted from the internet where a company or business can get insights and advertise to millions of potential buyers across the globe (Avineri 2017). Social networking sites or search engine sites offers people to target audiences based on their preferences and get the required amount of sales. This has also simplified the way of doing business and has led to reduction in the cost of business. The last benefit is the automation of business processes. The adoption of technology in all kinds of businesses has made the successful automation of the processes which has removed the need for human interactions. For example, any kinds of production factories in the recent times uses the various methods and tools for automating their business processes with minimal human interactions. In addition, the sales function of a business can be done by using software for the process which can be used to get the required processes. This also helps them to reduce the labor costs and address accordingly. Disadvantages of adopting technology in business: There are various effects of adopting technologies in businesses. Although this helps in referencing to various needs, the effects that it poses can be dire and sometime may lead to grave threats in the operations. The first disadvantage is the increased in expenses. The adoption of technologies has made several optimizations which have led to the increase in expenses. These expenses are mainly due to the purchase of the initial equipment for using in their businesses. In addition, the maintenance of these equipment also increases the total costs which affects the revenue made extremely. Moreover, as a technology needs to stay updated to the modern times, the need for updates are necessary. This also increases the time and the resource for the technologies which causes a negative impact in the business operations. Security is the next disadvantage which exists during the adoption of technologies in businesses. Cybercrimes are a much discussed concept and the need to address them is also necessary (Fellows and Liu 2015). According to recent reports, the use of hacking tools can be implemented to get unethical access to a system (Rubin and Babbie 2016.). This increase the problem faced and thus causes grave threats to the business operations. This can also be used to steal the information from these systems. In cases like this, a company or business organization faced with a security threat faces extreme loss of business, fines or even lawsuits. In addition, according to recent reports, young people belonging to the age group of 21 are found to be associated with cybercrimes which have led to various problems for industries affected. The next disadvantage is the need for staying connected all the time. This involves the need for staying connected to the internet of the network all the time. In case of any problems in the central network, all the other places will be affected too. This will cause problems and the regular business operations will be affected (Gioia et al. 2013). This also increases the stress in the system to be able to stay connected all the time. In addition, the overall cost for the system also increases which leads to grave problems in the business processes. Customer effects are the next disadvantage in the use of technology. As the use of the technology can be used to gather more insights from an area, the use of it can also lead to problems in the minds of the customers. For example, a customer may not adhere to the new ways of doing their task and may see this in a negative aspect. This reduces the brand awareness in the area concerned and ultimately leads to reduction of business. For example, in case of online bill payments, the traditional methods involved going to the branch centers and depositing the bills (Greenfield and Greener 2016). The new ways involves paying the bills by using the debit or the credit cards or even using net banking processes. This can also be a bit problematic as not every people can adhere to these processes. Evaluate literature relevant to the research problem and objectives The main aim work of technology is innovation of the business and promotes the growth rate. But the building owners and the business owners have to keep in mind and consider their position of business in area of rewards and also maintain the risk factor when the building owners and the business owners adopts the technologies that are emerging at a fast rate (Joe et al. 2014). The new technologies that are emerging are to be implemented by facility management in an organization which emerges to take risk by the organization with the emerging solutions. To minimize risk in an organization is a smart approach and the organizations of facility management which manages the risk with innovation can have significant rewards that are leaping ahead in the competition market. The profitability and the growth of an organization are enhanced by adopting all the new technologies and can even have a transform in the business for making the business better. With the adoption of new technologies in businesses, the rate of risk also increases. With the advancement of analytics in big data and also in system of business management, the cost of all the processes and increase in gain can be done by organization of all the industries (Lazar et al. 2017). This decision is very critical and crucial for the business leaders and the project partners who are involved in the project so that they can work methodically and strategically. The businesses price can be reduced by these innovative technologies. These innovative technologies also help to lower the barrier for entry, changes in the strategy of market and help to transform the culture and the processes. All these activities can be done by technologies that include cloud, simulation, platforms of business intelligen ce, applications and tools, security and mobile applications (Lyon et al. 2015). The processes and new technologies that are vital that are adopted in an organization can increase the business growth and also provide in the improvement outcome of the business in a specific way. The facility management of the organization should be careful of choosing the technologies that are emerging by keeping the position of their business in mind and also consider the potential risks and the rewards that the organization will get. The reward that the organization achieves can be most significant. The organizations can get an idea of the rewards that are possible by looking at the adopters that were previously used and also used their experience in terms of barometer. Of all the rewards that can be faced by an organization, four main key rewards are described below: Adoption that are made early puts an organization ahead among all the competitors: The innovative technology that are adopted in an organization indicates that the organization has time to know about the way to leverage those innovative technologies so that it gives the best outcome and can also start to claim the market share when other competitors of the organization still does not know how to handle those technologies. The increase value of the stakeholders is implemented successfully: The implementation of the proper technology which can increase the performance of the business from bottom line are to be successfully installed. The improvement in performance helps to operate in a more effective way: The organization of facility management can operate all the process more effectively when new technologies are adopted in an organization. Improve efficiency is done by increase productivity: The new technologies that are used in an organization will help to increase the productivity of the organization which leads to improve the efficiency. Some tips for adoption of new technologies with minimal risk: The IT projects that are new to the organization do have certain amount of risk. The risk that comes in the organization due to improved technologies can be reduced and mitigated by following eight ways: Creating a business case: The organizations have to understand the level of tolerance that they can bear for failure, the importance of implementing the technology and total amount of time and resources that the project will require. Understanding and agreeing with business upfront: The technologies are to be implemented for the sake of organization. Not for the sake of personal use. Engaging key stakeholders: When the transformational technologies are implemented, the change that comes in an organization must be linked with the market and the business requirements. If this is not done, there remains a risk that the change that has happened is rejected by the organization. Securing executive sponsorship: If there is a full executive support in the organization, it gives an indication that the company has invested much of its money by making the implementation of the technology work. Choosing right technology: The total number of parameters which includes features of industry specific, functionality depth, development path in future, ease support, integration with future or the existing systems, scalability and also flexibility to adapt the business model that is changing. Proofing the decision in future: The technology that is selected by the organization should all the processes involved in the project. The technology must be implemented in such a way that it is profitable both in present and the future to increase the profitability of the organization. Demanding before implementation support: The place where the technology is implemented should have an effective as well as well-resourced support (Scherer et al. 2014). The implementation does not end when the technology is going live. Implementing effective governance: For the organizations that have ongoing success should have essential corporate governance. This helps to extend the implementation of the technology. If the level of scrutiny and governance is higher, the risk on the project becomes lower in an organization. It can be concluded that to make the organization innovative and new, the organization should implement technologies that are out of their comfort zone and they have to face some risks if they want to go ahead among the competitors. The future of anything is not always clear. So, it is recommended to take risks so that the project team and the business leadership all work together to make an innovative idea and achieve benefits by adopting new technologies as well as innovative technologies (Yeboah-Boateng and Essandoh 2014). The main aim is to minimize risks by implementing a careful approach and also by working with those technology partners who understands the business well. There are many contributions of new technologies in the organization. The new technologies that that are implemented in an organization leads to economic growth of the organization. The economic growth can be realized when the new technology is diffused widely and are also used widely. From series of decisions that are individually taken are mainly the results of diffusion. When there are new inventions, there are certain benefits for the uncertain cost for adopting the new technology. There is an understanding for the factors that is essential for both the economists who are studying the determinants for the growth of the organization and also for the producers and the creators who invented such new technologies. On the other hand, as we are living in digital age, it becomes immensely important to interface technological advancement in business. Ability to adopt new technology is considered as paramount that affects everything from the process of generating capital products to per capita income (Rogers 2016). On the other hand, rapid economic development of business needs adoption of the technology in business as present business market needs to adopt effective technique in business. It is important to adopt new technique so that business organization can retain in business with respective position (Drnevich and Croson 2013). However, several security issues are involved with the adoption. In addition, privacy issues like leakage of data can be occurred for adopting technology in business. Critically analyze different theoretical approaches to the research problem There are numerous hypotheses utilized as a part of IS inquire about. It is essential just in hypotheses about innovation appropriation. There are interchangeable use in terms of diffusion and adoption. Adoption refers to the stage where a particular technology is selected that is used by an organization or an individual. While on the other hand diffusion is the stage where the new technologies is spread among for the general use and are applied generally. The adoption of technology is used by individual level and diffusion can be taken into account if the system is adopted by mass. Both the terms, adoption and diffusion is important to the business for adopting technologies in an organization. The adoption of technologies generally leads to diffusion. From the evolution of research in technologies adoption, the diffusion studies with the study of adoption studies. In the adoption of technologies, there are two major streams of research that have evolved. One of the two streams pertains to adopt at individual and other adoption pertains at the organizational level. The usage or the intention by an individual is the main subject of study, the adoption is considered to be an individual adoption level (Xu et al. 2016). On a contrast, if the implementation is successfully done by an organization that is under study, the adoption is considered to be as the adoption is at organizational level. There leads a mass adoption of new innovated technologies at the organizational and the individual level. This adoption is termed as diffusion of technologies. It is important to develop research methodology that can be helpful to develop most suitable approach required for getting desired outcomes from the research. There are specific theories as well as concepts adopted for gaining better as well as deeper analysis in order to analyze several factors that affect subjective opinion regarding adoption of technology in business (Myers 2013). In addition, it is important to find the limitations involved with the process of adopting technology in the business. In the research, use of exploration logic assists in obtaining appropriate way in order to get subtle components if the research point. It also helps in making clarification of the research point by the researcher while evaluating a particular point that fluctuate the process of determining exploration theory of the research. Expensive as well as regular types of epistemology are considered as a piece of theory such as positivism, interpretivism as well as authenticity. Positivism is known as a subject of philosophies that helps in developing rationale of the research and covers the actualities along with data in an investigative way (Rubin and Babbie 2016). On the other hand, positivism tries to minimize the power of subtle perception as well as learning of the accumulated data in the research. In addition, a researcher under interpretative way is helpful to making characterization of the things and ideas of common law, which is helpful to determine specific degrees of the logical methodology. In the research, positivism is usually connected with the current setting that assists in doing better analysis of making certainties as well as detected with distinctive elements related to the process of adopting technology in business (Roberts 2013). However, positivism philosophy restricts the part of the researcher in order to control evaluation of information promoting minimization of errors involved in information. In terms of research approach, it helps to configure needed in order to direct the particular study of the research. There are two types research approach generally used in research such as inductive approach and deductive approach (Goldberg et al. 2017). The underlying period of inductive approach is the perception, which helps to increase important data as well as constructs the methodology of the way of the research carried out. However, deductive methodology is used as a process, which is helpful to depict reasonable and effective utilization of hypothesis focused on evaluating substance of the research. Design an appropriate methodology in terms of the research objectives Data is generally considered as a valuable component of the research in order to comprehend reality as well as fact needed for analyzing specific type. Collection of data is useful in order to determine precise results of the research process. It also allows determining precise outcomes to research process as well as allows standard development of the research in a specific area (Gale et al. 2013). Sources of information help to get the research point as well as helpful in extracting data according to the requirements. Primary and secondary data are considered as information sources, which are helpful to provide materials that accommodate to select the research topic. The direct or primary data accumulation requires elucidation of the unwavering quality as well as legitimacy. On the other hand, in order to gather secondary data, secondary sources such as books, journals and websites are selected for the research. Population for the research is usually characterized on quantity of the individuals specifically in terms of implication or influenced through substances of the research work. In the present research, employees from different organization adopted new technology in business have been considered as sample for the research (Vamsi Krishna Jasti and Kodali 2014). There will be 65 numbers of employees from different organizations will be selected for the research. Sample considered in order to the study several components related to the process of adopting new technology in business. The sample for the employees will be straightforward random probability where no criteria to determine will be selected. The survey will be conducted taking the likerts scale from 1 to 5. The sample for the research is usually divided into specific groups as quantitative as well as other qualitative analysis. Subsequently, overall population size for the research is 65. Main activities/ stages Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Selection of the topic Secondary data collection for literature review Creating layout for the research Doing literature review Formation of the pan for research Selecting proper technique Primary data collection Analysis and Interpreting data Findings of Data Conclusion of research Formation of the Rough Draft Submission of the final research Justify the methodology selected in terms of the research objectives In the present research, subject related to the adoption of technology in business would be helpful to consider the ideas detected with the topic. There are several elements connected with the subject taken in the research. Inductive methodology assists in making proper understanding of the research. Research design is helpful in making clarification of the structure of the subject of the research. In addition, research subject would be helpful in determining the process of accumulation as well as design of investigation. The process of accumulating information of the subject is known as particular type of methodology applied in academic research. There are three types of research designs such as exploratory, descriptive as well as descriptive research design. Exploratory research design is helpful to the researcher in order to recognize various types of thoughts as well as considerations needed in order to complete the research paper. However, informative research plan can be helpful to portray specific event as well as correspondingly the impact of the event (Tarhini et al. 2015). Thus, unimportant clarification of circumstances makes an impact on the incident. On contrary, illustrative research helps to pick up the research point. Enlightening research design can be helpful to characterize the interest point of the research with particular topic. The degree of impact related to the adoption of technology in business. Qualitative data is considered as useful in order to record the type of information including better depiction of the research point. It is important to specify quantitative data that assists in order to include hypothetical ideas in practical way. It prompts better analysis of the point like quantitative method (Sa? et al. 2016). The research helps in generating quantitative information that applied in substantial specimen sizes. Hence, in the research, quantitative technique is selected over qualitative analysis because of providing more flexibility to the researcher in terms of sample size as well as population. The process of research strategy and research requires taking after a particular set of principles, which assists in order to distinguish wrong as well as right arrangement of practices needed for doing appropriate process (Baptista and Oliveira 2015). The researcher needs to analyse the part of elements connected with the technology adoption in business. Data accumulated for the research is useful to understand the part of elements related to the research topic. In any of the cases, any type of business use of data is kept away from discoveries that are completely constrained related to the cause. On the other hand, the researcher attempted to embed any outside impact on the weight over participants in order to join in input process of research subject. The participants with a sense on making effective investment is urged or taking an interest in order to join the process. The respondents with a sense on the investment and examination point. What are the factors that are responsible for gaining competitive advantages in business? What are the benefits obtained for adopting technology in business? What are the risks related to the adoption of technology in business How to overcome the risks? Conclusion From the above study, it can be concluded that it is important for a business to adopt new technology in business. As new technology adoption provides several advantages in business, it would be helpful for the business organization to adopt competitive advantages in the market. However, there are some difficulties and issues faced for adopting technology in business. Thus, it is important to research on the particular topic and analyze the limitations and risks involved in it that is achieved in the present study. In addition, accumulation of primary data would be helpful to get recommendations and overcome the issues faced while adopting technology in business. References Adams, J., Khan, H.T. and Raeside, R., 2014.Research methods for business and social science students. SAGE Publications India. Avineri, N., 2017. Introduction. InResearch Methods for Language Teaching(pp. 1-6). Macmillan Education UK. 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Monday, December 2, 2019

Israel And Syria Essays - ArabIsraeli Conflict,

Israel And Syria The Struggle For Peace in the Middle East Continues... The Golan region, which lies between Israel and Syria, has been a place of much heated contention for many years. While the Middle East does seem in constant disarray, recent reports are showing that Syrian people are not worried over the recent delays in peace talks. Certain things are for sure though: Israel realizes it must return to Syria some of the Golan region, which it has controlled since the 1967 occupation took place during the Six-Day War. Under recent United States' sponsorship, talks have only one month ago resumed and are still stalled for the moment, but it appears that both Israelis and Syrians are prospective that an agreement will be reached. It seems that the area's inhabitants are moving from warring to negotiating. The Golan Heights could be described as a desolate yet scenic stretch of land. The state of Israel was officially established in 1948 with a northeastern border enveloping the Sea of Galilee and shadowing the western edge of The Golan, a steep ridge belonging at the time to neighbor Syria. The Golan Heights is about a 460 square mile area that is now occupied by some 17,000 Israelis and nearly the same number of Syrian Druze who have never given up their nationality. In 1995, Israel led many to believe that they would withdraw from Golan in exchange for peace agreements and specific security arrangements. The United States, realizing an opportunity to further stabilize the situation in the Middle East in the interests of the world economy, have ceded a certain compromising attitude with Syria. Contrary to past relations, Syria has hailed the U.S. efforts at the negotiation table, citing the U.S. as behaving less like a mediator and more like a partner with each of the disputing parties. I believe it shows that the U.S. recognizes the strife endured by the Syrians in the loss of this territory even though it happened over thirty years ago. The Syrian government-controlled media has duly noted the recent American actions. Syria has long awaited the chance to more directly enlist the U.S. government in resolving the issues. One Syrian media official commented, "In our political view, this means the U.S.A. is serious about reaffirming its commitment to achieve a comprehensive and just peace." This is an example of the U.S. admitting its belief that Israel must give some to get some, even if it means giving something important back to once vehement enemies. Some of the issues at hand, on a more local level, include Syrian requirements for a withdrawal of Israel forces occupying southern Lebanon by July 7 of this year. Syria itself has 35,000 troops stationed in Lebanon. If forced to withdraw from Lebanon and the Golan region, Israel demands that Syrian support for the militant Shiite Muslim group Hezbollah cease immediately. Northern Israel has been subject to a multitude of attacks by Lebanese Hezbollah, including bombings and rocket attacks. In addition to more peaceful relations, Israel is expecting a more diplomatic relation with Syria in an attempt to avoid a ?cold peace' situation. Finally, there is the issue of the Sea of Galilee and who will retain control over the major water supply in the region. Many countries suffer from cyclical water shortages and Israel wants a guarantee that no interference with the sea and the Jordan River system will occur once withdrawn from the Golan Heights. With so much at stake, proper security will be required to oversee the phased withdrawal. Recently, Israel opted for a proposed early-warning radar system to be built in the Golan, and Syria has agreed to this so long as American civilians man the site. Trade agreements are also at stake between the disputing countries, as well as border control and movement across the restated border. This ever-evolving situation is a perfect example of how a relatively tiny stretch of land can affect the global peace process. To the people directly involved, who live in the area, it's all a matter of what government loyalties go to, and pursuit of a way of life. Peace in this region though, could be a stepping-stone toward ending a seemingly eternal struggle between the Arab and Jewish populations occupying the region.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

5 Things Nobody Tells You About Query Letters

5 Things Nobody Tells You About Query Letters In this video, we discuss five things about writing query letters that nobody tells you.Now that youve written a book or an article and you want to get it published. But how do you make that happen?First, dont mention money or payment. The purpose of a query letter is to request that an agent, publisher or editor consider your writing to be included in their publication. Just like you wouldnt ask a prospective employer exactly how much they are going to pay you before you discuss your qualifications, neither should you inquire about payment when writing your query letter.Second, keep it under a page (single-spaced) and half a page is better. Remember the simple point of writing a query letter is to let to the publisher or editor know what you have written and why they should want to read it.Third, mention publishing credits or writers awards, but only if they are significant. If your only publishing credential is a guest post on your best friends blog, its best to leave that off of t he query letter- unless your best friends blog has thousands of readers.Fourth, make it personal and tell the reader why youve sent it to him or her specifically. The best way to find publications that cater to a niche audience is to look through the publications website- particularly the about and media kit sections. This research on your end will give you details concerning the publications audience, reach, goals, and vision.Fifth, if you have a regular writing platform or social media account focused on your writing, mention it briefly, along with a link and stats related to your audience. The reason for doing this is very simple: publishers (or agents or editors) understand that an audience is an important thing. For them, audience numbers and statistics translate into dollar signs. Its just that simple.Remember- you only get one chance to make a great first impression. So do your research and make it count.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Greek Civilization essays

Greek Civilization essays A. Decline of the Minoan Civilization In 2000 B.C.E, the Greeks settled the lands that were surrounded by the waters of the Aegean Sea and created a culture that shaped Western heritage forever. The Greeks made history when they settled in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Asia Minor, and Syria-Palestine. The first cultures in Greece arose in the later 3rd and 2nd millennia: the Minoans on Crete and the Mycenaeans on the mainland. These are the cultures that were the source of later Greek myths, and whose religious and social structures influenced so much of later Greece and Europe. The great palaces, fortifications and tombs are testimony to the achievements of these people. Most of what we know about both cultures has been gained through archaeology. Though both were literate, Minoan texts are still almost unreadable, and the Mycenaean tablets are mostly bureaucratic inventories. Thus material evidence is critical for understanding and reconstructing these fascinating cultures. About 725 B.C.E, Sparta embarked on a path that made it Greeces most respected military power. The state wanted all of its men to be superb soldiers, and it persuaded them to sacrifice privacy and comfort to physical conditioning, military training, and discipline. Athens evolved slower then Spartan society. Years of consistent cultivation diminished the Athenian fields, which lead them to slavery. Athenians were sold abroad. During the Bronze Age period, Greek civilization was evolving in the Aegean World. The Aegean World was divided into three developing parts: on the island of Crete, on the smaller islands of the Aegean Sea, and on the mainland of Greece. Aegeans first civilization was on Crete, which was a bridge between the older civilization of the East and settled land by the Greeks. Crete was inhabited from the sixth millennium B.C, but it was later, probably around the late fourth-early third millennium that immigra...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Positive Replacement Behaviors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Positive Replacement Behaviors - Essay Example 1). For reinforcements to effectively work, it was emphasized that students need to be deprived of whatever tool is planned to be used by educators as reinforcers. The crucial role of deprivation was initially thought of implied in early reinforcement theories, but as Bourbon disclosed, â€Å"if a child has all of the attention he or she needs or wants, then a teacher cannot use attention to "reinforce" the child’s behavior. No deprivation, no control of behavior. No control of behavior, no discipline program† (Bourbon: Deprivation and Positive Reinforcers, 1997, par. 6). Positive reinforcement was, therefore, defined as â€Å"a process in which a stimulus is presented following a particular behavior, thereby strengthening that behavior. The stimulus is referred to as a ‘reinforcer’ and is roughly synonymous with the word ‘reward’† (JRank Articles, 2012, par. 2). Simply put, positive reinforcement is a process that educators could implem ent in teaching students to act in a particular way and rewarding the students for manifesting correct behavior. On the other hand, negative reinforcements were described as â€Å"a process that involves the removal or reduction of a negative or unwanted stimulus after a behavior occurs, thereby strengthening that behavior. ... For example, students who are assessed to be sensitive to loud noises or instructional materials that could distract their attention could be provided with more conducive and accommodating learning environments, such as sitting them away from noisy areas, providing quiet learning spaces, and even providing some students with earphones which minimize noises and distractions and assist in focusing on the activities at hand. Plan for Students with Emotional Disabilities 1. Problem Behavior: Student A is identified to manifest "passive-aggressive" behavior by seeking attention and intermittently expressing anger indirectly through the use of manipulative behavior such as exhibiting cruelties, stubborn refusals to cooperate, being excessively loud with violent tendencies or exhibiting passive listening and being always out of the student’s seat. 2. Possible Explanations: Lack of support from members of the nuclear family; demographic profile (cultural background, income level, soci al support); history of abuse or violence; trauma from past events; academic failure; peer pressure; frustration. 3. Replacement Behavior: to appropriately deal with passive-aggressive behavior by: (1) asking assistance from a teacher or peer when he feels maladjusted behavior; (2) he will focus on clearly defined positive learning goals to assist in developing optimistic perception in life. 4. Goals: to apply positive reinforcement through (a) assessing the signs of passive-aggressive behavior together with Student A; (2) to recognize that positive behavior would be exhibited by cooperative learning, active listening and focused attention to learning activities; (3) to realize that there are support groups (teachers, peers) who she can tap in cases where maladjusted behavior tends to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fordism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Fordism - Essay Example Moreover, the essay discusses the strengths and limitations of each form of work process for employers and employees. Lastly, it critically examines whether these theories are relevant to the work in the contemporary organization. Fordism refers to a notion of modern social systems and economic growth. It bases its concept on industrialization and a standard form of production for the sustainability of population growth. It gives emphasizes on the change in working conditions of workers. It is a form of production used in automotive industries to increase production (Fincham and Rhodes 2005, p. 231). It focuses on producing goods at low costs giving its workers' decent wages. For the mass production to occur it uses special purpose machinery. The form of production applied the three principles to enhance the mass production. First, they employed special machines, which operate on an assembly line (Buchanan and Huczynski 2010, p. 121). These machines did not require skilled employees because one employee did one task repeatedly. Second, standardization of products, this is to say that nothing was hand-made. All their products were made using machines (Fincham and Rhodes 2005, p. 121). Third, they focused on the welfare of the workers. The workers were paid high wages so that they can afford the products they made; this was to avoid theft cases. In his principle, Henry Ford the founder of Fordism simplified work-using assembly lines. This is where a worker did a certain task repeatedly. Research shows that, Henry Ford was not the original founder of assembly lines he increased its efficiency. This form of production increased affordability to the average consumer. Increase in wages reduced worker absenteeism increasing the production turnover to 400 percent annually. This form of production encouraged specialization within the organization hence quality in the production of goods. Fordism as a form of work process has different strengths. First, the use of assemb ling lines as a form of production encouraged specialization. This is because one worker did the same task repeatedly hence specialization. Specialization results for quality and quantity production. Thus, the goods produced, were quality thus attracting a wide market (Lister 2010, p.51). This led to more profits on the part of employers. In addition, the high wages given to the workers encouraged them to give quality service. As stated above the production increased by 400 per cent because of the high wages given to employees (Buchanan and Huczynski 2010, p. 121). Theft cases did not occur among the employees because of the high wages and they could afford the goods, which they produced. Even though the work was tedious, the employees had a sense of security for their work because of the presence of the industrial unions, which bargained for their wages. On the other hand, Fordism had its own limitations. This particularly resulted in the onset of development of Post- Fordism by An tonio and Bonanno (Lister 2010, p. 95). They said that this form of production was not efficient because the population had reduced due to the effects of World War II. The goods produced remained that means that the demand had reduced making this form of production ineffective. This form of production was rigid and did not encourage the introduction of new ways of production. With the monotonous work, the workers got bored with time and they stopped providing quality services. Due to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Crime Is a Social Construct Essay Example for Free

Crime Is a Social Construct Essay Crime is a social construct Discuss. This composition will look at crime and its different criminological interpretations. Crime is an umbrella word which covers a diverse range of issues and is dependant upon the theoretical stand point of the writer. Although the wordings of the explanations differ, the implications are consistent (Newburn, 2007. Doherty, 2005). Mclaughlin et al (2006) seems the most relevant for the purpose. They separate crime into three key constituent parts. These are harm, social agreement and the official societal reaction. There are different theoretical interpretations of crime. The product of culturally-bounded social interaction is crime; which is the violation of the social contract (Newburn, 2007. Young, 1995). Societal responses are different dependant upon the society. Theft in the UK may result in caution or non-custodial sentence for a first offence; whereas in Saudi Arabia the offender would lose a hand. Deviance can be perceived as being actions or behaviour which although may not be criminal in nature are at odds with the social norms of the society. Promiscuity is legal, though is perceived as deviant (particularly in females due to patriarchal societal values). Homosexual behaviour, which was previously illegal, has undergone a shift in the moral attitudes of society. The moral’s of society regarding certain activities is not set in stone and it alters over time. This is the view rule-relativists have of crime, as what is appropriate to the society at any given moment in time and may change due to alterations in societal values. Social constructs are the institutions, agencies, judicial bodies and any other mechanisms that are produced to implement social order. These social constructs are not natural phenomena; they are created by the hegemony. Behaviour or activities that offend the social codes practices of a particular community. These codes and practices may be different due to cultural differences. Legal and social codes are not always identical. Laws are the mortar that binds societies and implement its norms. A Muslim man may marry more than one wife in certain countries. In the USA a Mormon may also marry more than one wife. He may bring both wives into this country with both having legal rights as his wife. However even though his culture would allow him to marry another wife, in this country he wouldn’t be allowed to. A man in the UK would not be allowed more than one wife. If he did marry a second wife he would be charged with bigamy. This crime doesn’t harm anyone; however it is classed as being against the social norms of British society. A number of crimes are made due to the state acting as a moral guardian to its community. At the present in Indonesia it is illegal to chew chewing gum, conversely in the UK this would not be seen as a reasonable criminal offence. Governments are not beyond contravening their own statutes, as in the case of prisoners that have been transferred to Guantanamo bay and the acknowledgement that water boarding (a form of torture) had been used upon a few of these prisoners. As well as the state justice there are systems which provide social control, such as private security etc. â€Å"They comprise the numerous forms of social control of crime and deviance that are part of group life† (Henry, 1994). There are informal modes of social control from local communities, such as being â€Å"sent to Coventry! The legal standpoint is simply what is enacted by society as criminal. On the issue of harm Lord Denning’s ruling in Donoghue v Stevenson holds â€Å"what would the man on the Clapham omnibus think†. Legally in addition to the criminal act there has to be a guilty mind, mens rea as well as the criminal act, actus reus. There has to be a legal capacity to commit crime, Doli incapax means that thos e less than eleven years of age and those suffering from mental illness are seen as not being capable of committing crimes. There are also mitigating circumstances; reasons why a criminal act may be seen as reasonable. This can be observed as being the contextual component; evidence of this can be seen in the case of the mignonette (Morrison, 2005). The classicist classification of crime is activities which have a negative impact upon the individuals and upon their property of the state’s electorate. Classicists do not take into account that there might be other factions with conflicting aims or moral codes. This can be perceived prior to the break up of the former Yugoslavia, where each faction had separate societal views. The conservative view of crime is that anything that threatens the social order should be criminal. This follows the classicist view insofar as that but they also include crimes which damage the integrity and morals of society. Those dealing with new deviance theory assert that there needs to be two separate parties. One party behaves or commits certain actions that another party who has differing morality categorizes that party as deviant. The factions in society with greater power impose their moral codes (Young, 1995). With new deviance theory the faction with the most power controls the morals; this doesn’t necessarily translate to being the majority of society. The Marxist viewpoint on crime is from of class and the intensification of social control of society. This viewpoint perceives capitalist societies as being breeding grounds for criminal activities. Theorists believe that only socialist societies can have any expectation of being without crime. Sheptycki (2006) states that â€Å"the roots of crime lie in the social structural inequalities of wealth and power. Capitalist societies promote individual interests over social welfare. The radical left criminological theory is that the nature of an advanced industrial society with its class system and its natural patriarchy is the cause of the prevalence of crime. They furthermore view crime as being more of a predicament for the poor. The way laws have been created can be shown in the disparity in sentencing for property theft when compa red to white-collar crime. Positivist criminology views crime and criminal activity as explainable through the natural sciences. Positivist criminologists look for specific causes for crime through scientific methodology. Whether this is because of biological, psychological and sociological disciplines to be able to quantify criminal behaviour. Positivists deem that there is a â€Å"consensus of value in society that can be scientifically ascertained† (Young, 1995). To bring to a close crime is a social construct. Crime is in addition a component of the larger issue of deviance. It is a consequence of social norms which the government has enacted into laws. The state has the infrastructure to enforce the society’s behavioural codes. By means of these criminological schools all of any given states laws can be identified. Having observed these, the new deviance theory was the most rational, building as it does on previous schools of thought. This holds that the faction with the greater societal power holding the reins to society’s moral codes. At the present time this looks to be direction in which western societies are on the face of it is heading. The Iraq war was implemented by the powerful elite of society.

Friday, November 15, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird - Moral :: Kill Mockingbird essays

To Kill A Mockingbird - Moral In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the author intends the reader to learn that you shouldn't judge people by there race. Later on I will be telling you about a life as the Cunningham's, Bob Ewell, and Atticus. So if you listen up and pay attention you will almost be as smart as me. The Cunninghams were the poor family they were so poor they couldn't afford shoes for the family and they also never had any food. "Walter Cunningham's face told everybody in the first grade he had hookworms. His absence of shoes told us how he got them." Page 19. This quote shows that the Cunningham's don't have a lot of money at all. This quote also shows that the Cunningham's are so poor they cant even afford a pair of shoes. "Walter Cunningham was sitting there lying his head off. He didn't forget his lunch, he didn't have any. He had none today nor would he have any tomorrow or the next day. He had probably never seen three quarters together at the same time in his life." Page 20. This quote shows that the Cunningham's are so poor they can't even take care of there own child. This quote also shows that the Cunningham's never have any money and they cant afford food. The Cunningham's would be a very hard family to be, because you would have nothing you own right now, you would be flat broke. Mr. Bob Ewell was a lazy man, and not very many people like him. "The first thing was that Mr. Bob Ewell acquired and lost a job in a matter of days and probably made himself unique in the annals of the nineteen-thirties: he was the only man I ever herd of who was fired from the WPA for laziness." Page 248. This quote shows that Bob Ewell is a really lazy man. This quote also shows that Bob Ewell doesn't try anything hard, not even for money. "First thing you can do, Ewell, is get your stinkin' carcass off my property. You're leanin' on it an' I cant afford fresh paint for it, second thing you can do is stay away from my cook or I'll have you up for assault-" Page 249.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Analysis of Daffodils by William Wordsworth

Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' Poem William Wordsworth wrote Daffodils on a stormy day in spring, while walking along with his sister Dorothy near Ullswater Lake, in England. He imagined that the daffodils were dancing and invoking him to join and enjoy the breezy nature of the fields. Dorothy Wordsworth, the younger sister of William Wordsworth, found the poem so interesting that she took ‘Daffodils' as the subject for her journal. The poem contains six lines in four stanzas, as an appreciation of daffodils. Analysis of Daffodils I wander'd lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vale and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils: Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Rhyming Scheme The ‘Daffodils' has a rhyming scheme throughout the poem. The rhyming scheme of the above stanza is ABAB ( A – cloud and crowd; B – hills and daffodils) and ending with a rhyming couplet CC (C – trees and breeze). The above stanza makes use of ‘Enjambment' which converts the poem into a continuous flow of expressions without a pause. Figures of Speech Used in the Poem I wander'd lonely as a cloud – The first line makes nice use of personification and simile.The poet assumes himself to be a cloud (simile) floating in the sky. When Wordsworth says in the second line ‘I' (poet as a cloud) look down at the valleys and mountains and appreciate the daffodils; it's the personification, where an inanimate object (cloud) possesses the quality of a human enabling it to see the daffodils. The line â€Å"Ten thousand saw I at a glance† is an exaggeration and a hyperbole, describing the scene of ten thousand daffodils, all together. Alliteration is the repetition of similar sounds, is applied for the word ‘h', in the words – high and hills. Title and Theme of the PoemThe title, ‘Daffodils' is a simple word that reminds us about the arrival of the spring season , when the field is full of daffodils. Daffodils are yellow flowers, having an amazing shape and beautiful fragrance. A bunch of daffodils symbolize the joys and happiness of life. The theme of the poem ‘Daffodils' is a collection of human emotions inspired by nature that we may have neglected due to our busy lives. The daffodils imply beginning or rebirth for human beings, blessed with the grace of nature. The arrival of daffodils in the month of March is welcome and an enjoyable time to appreciate them!Imagery The poem paints images of lakes, fields, trees, stars in Ullswater. Wordsworth continuously praises the daffodils, comparing them to the Milky Way galaxy (in the second stanza), their dance (in the third stanza) and in the concluding stanza, dreams to join the daffodils in their dance. The poem uses descriptive language throughout the stanzas. The poet cannot resist himself from participating in the dance of the daffodils. The wording is simple and melodious. Isn't Daf fodils, a great gift idea of William Wordsworth that celebrates happiness of nature amongst .

Sunday, November 10, 2019


1. TRADERS†¦ and constantly in advance of the political hegemony of the Foundation were the Traders, reaching out tenuous fingerholds through the tremendous distances of the Periphery. Months or years might pass between landings on Terminus; their ships were often nothing more than patchquilts of home-made repairs and improvisations; their honesty was none of the highest; their daring†¦ Through it all they forged an empire more enduring than the pseudo-religious despotism of the Four Kingdoms†¦ Tales without end are told of these massive, lonely figures who bore half-seriously, half-mockingly a motto adopted from one of Salvor Hardin's epigrams, â€Å"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!† It is difficult now to tell which tales are real and which apocryphal. There are none probably that have not suffered some exaggeration†¦. ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA Limmar Ponyets was completely a-lather when the call reached his receiver which proves that the old bromide about telemessages and the shower holds true even in the dark, hard space of the Galactic Periphery. Luckily that part of a free-lance trade ship which is not given over to miscellaneous merchandise is extremely snug. So much so, that the shower, hot water included, is located in a two-by-four cubby, ten feet from the control panels. Ponyets heard the staccato rattle of the receiver quite plainly. Dripping suds and a growl, he stepped out to adjust the vocal, and three hours later a second trade ship was alongside, and a grinning youngster entered through the air tube between the ships. Ponyets rattled his best chair forward and perched himself on the pilot-swivel. â€Å"What've you been doing, Gorm?† he asked, darkly. â€Å"Chasing me all the way from the Foundation?† Les Gorm broke out a cigarette, and shook his head definitely, â€Å"Me? Not a chance. I'm just a sucker who happened to land on Glyptal IV the day after the mail. So they sent me out after you with this.† The tiny, gleaming sphere changed hands, and Gorm added, â€Å"It's confidential. Super-secret. Can't be trusted to the sub-ether and all that. Or so I gather. At least, it's a Personal Capsule, and won't open for anyone but you.† Ponyets regarded the capsule distastefully, â€Å"I can see that. And I never knew one of these to hold good news, either.† It opened in his hand and the thin, transparent tape unrolled stiffly. His eyes swept the message quickly, for when the last of the tape had emerged, the first was already brown and crinkled. In a minute and a half it had turned black and, molecule by molecule, fallen apart. Ponyets grunted hollowly, â€Å"Oh, Galaxy!† Les Gorm said quietly, â€Å"Can I help somehow? Or is it too secret?† â€Å"It will bear telling, since you're of the Guild. I've got to go to Askone.† â€Å"That place? How come?† â€Å"They've imprisoned a trader. But keep it to yourself.† Gorm's expression jolted into anger, â€Å"Imprisoned! That's against the Convention.† â€Å"So is the interference with local politics.† â€Å"Oh! Is that what he did?† Gorm meditated. â€Å"Who's the trader'? Anyone I know?† â€Å"No!† said Ponyets sharply, and Gorm accepted the implication and asked no further questions. Ponyets was up and staring darkly out the visiplate. He mumbled strong expressions at that part of the misty lens-form that was the body of the Galaxy, then said loudly, â€Å"Damnedest mess! I'm way behind quota.† Light broke on Gorm's intellect, â€Å"Hey, friend, Askone is a closed area.† â€Å"That's right. You can't sell as much as a penknife on Askone. They won't buy nuclear gadgets of any sort. With my quota dead on its feet, it's murder to go there.† â€Å"Can't get out of it?† Ponyets shook his head absently, A know the fellow involved. Can't walk out on a friend. What of it? I am in the hands of the Galactic Spirit and walk cheerfully in the way he points out.† Gorm said blankly, â€Å"Huh?† Ponyets looked at him, and laughed shortly, â€Å"I forgot. You never read the ‘Bood of the Spirit,' did you?† â€Å"Never heard of it,† said Gorm, curtly. â€Å"Well, you would if you'd had a religious training.† â€Å"Religious training? For the priesthood?† Gorm was profoundly shocked. â€Å"Afraid so. It's my dark shame and secret. I was too much for the Reverend Fathers, though, They expelled me, for reasons sufficient to promote me to a secular education under the Foundation. Well, look, I'd better push off. How's your quota this year?† Gorm crushed out his cigarette and adjusted his cap, â€Å"I've got my last cargo going now. I'll make it.† â€Å"Lucky fellow,† gloomed Ponyets, and for many minutes after Les Gorm left, he sat in motionless reverie. So Eskel Gorov was on Askone and in prison as well! That was bad! In fact, considerably worse than it might appear. It was one thing to tell a curious youngster a diluted version of the business to throw him off and send him about his own. It was a thing of a different sort to face the truth. For Limmar Ponyets was one of the few people who happened to know that Master Trader Eskel Gorov was not a trader at all; but that entirely different thing, an agent of the Foundation! 2. Two weeks gone! Two weeks wasted. One week to reach Askone, at the extreme borders of which the vigilant warships speared out to meet him in converging numbers. Whatever their detection system was, it worked and well. They sidled him in slowly, without a signal, maintaining their cold distance, and pointing him harshly towards the central sun of Askone. Ponyets could have handled them at a pinch. Those ships were holdovers from the dead-and-gone Galactic Empire but they were sports cruisers, not warships; and without nuclear weapons, they were so many picturesque and impotent ellipsoids. But Eskel Gorov was a prisoner in their hands, and Gorov was not a hostage to lose. The Askonians must know that. And then another week a week to wind a weary way through the clouds of minor officials that formed the buffer between the Grand Master and the outer world. Each little sub-secretary required soothing and conciliation. Each required careful and nauseating milking for the flourishing signature that was the pathway to the next official one higher up. For the first time, Ponyets found his trader's identification papers useless. I Now, at last, the Grand Master was on the other side of the Guard-flanked gilded door and two weeks had gone. Gorov was still a prisoner and Ponyets' cargo rotted useless in the holds of his ship. The Grand Master was a small man; a small man with a balding head and very wrinkled face, whose body seemed weighed down to motionlessness by the huge, glossy fur collar about his neck. His fingers moved on either side, and the line of armed men backed away to for a passage, along which Ponyets strode to the foot of the Chair of State. â€Å"Don't speak,† snapped the Grand Master, and Ponyets' opening lips closed tightly. â€Å"That's right,† the Askonian ruler relaxed visibly, â€Å"I can't endure useless chatter. You cannot threaten and I won't abide flattery. Nor is there room for injured complaints. I have lost count of the times you wanderers have been warned that your devil's machines are not wanted anywhere in Askone.† â€Å"Sir,† said Ponyets, quietly, â€Å"there is no attempt to justify the trader in question. It is not the policy of traders to intrude where they are not wanted. But the Galaxy is great, and it has happened before that a boundary has been trespassed unwittingly. It was a deplorable mistake.† â€Å"Deplorable, certainly,† squeaked the Grand Master. â€Å"But mistake? Your people on Glyptal IV have been bombarding me with pleas for negotiation since two hours after the sacrilegious wretch was seized. I have been warned by them of your own coming many times over. It seems a well-organized rescue campaign. Much seems to have been anticipated a little too much for mistakes, deplorable or otherwise.† The Askonian's black eyes were scornful. He raced on, â€Å"And are you traders, flitting from world to world like mad little butterflies, so mad in your own right that you can land on Askone's largest world, in the center of its system, and consider it an unwitting boundary mixup? Come, surely not.† Ponyets winced without showing it. He said, doggedly, â€Å"If the attempt to trade was deliberate, your Veneration, it was most injudicious and contrary to the strictest regulations of our Guild.† â€Å"Injudicious, yes,† said the Askonian, curtly. â€Å"So much so, that your comrade is likely to lose life in payment.† Ponyets' stomach knotted. There was no irresolution there. He said, â€Å"Death, your Veneration, is so absolute and irrevocable a phenomenon that certainly there must be some alternative.† There was a pause before the guarded answer came, â€Å"I have heard that the Foundation is rich.† â€Å"Rich? Certainly. But our riches are that which you refuse to take. Our nuclear goods are worth† â€Å"Your goods are worthless in that they lack the ancestral blessing. Your goods are wicked and accursed in that they lie under the ancestral interdict.† The sentences were intoned; the recitation of a formula. The Grand Master's eyelids dropped, and he said with meaning, â€Å"You have nothing else of value?† The meaning was lost on the trader, â€Å"I don't understand. What is it you want?† The Askonian's hands spread apart, â€Å"You ask me to trade places with you, and make known to you my wants. I think not. Your colleague, it seems, must suffer the punishment set for sacrilege by the Askonian code. Death by gas. We are a just people. The poorest peasant, in like case, would suffer no more. I, myself, would suffer no less.† Ponyets mumbled hopelessly, â€Å"Your Veneration, would it be permitted that I speak to the prisoner?† â€Å"Askonian law,† said the Grand Master coldly, â€Å"allows no communication with a condemned man.† Mentally, Ponyets held his breath, â€Å"Your Veneration, I ask you to be merciful towards a man's soul, in the hour when his body stands forfeit. He has been separated from spiritual consolation in all the time that his life has been in danger. Even now, he faces the prospect of going unprepared to the bosom of the Spirit that rules all.† The Grand Master said slowly and suspiciously, â€Å"You are a Tender of the Soul?† Ponyets dropped a humble head, â€Å"I have been so trained. In the empty expanses of space, the wandering traders need men like myself to care for the spiritual side of a life so given over to commerce and worldly pursuits.† The Askonian ruler sucked thoughtfully at his lower lip. â€Å"Every man should prepare his soul for his journey to his ancestral spirits. Yet I had never thought you traders to be believers.† 3. Eskel Gorov stirred on his couch and opened one eye as Limmar Ponyets entered the heavily reinforced door. It boomed shut behind him. Gorov sputtered and came to his feet. â€Å"Ponyets! They sent you?† â€Å"Pure chance,† said Ponyets, bitterly, â€Å"or the work of my own personal malevolent demon. Item one, you get into a mess on Askone. Item two, my sales route, as known to the Board of Trade, carries me within fifty parsecs of the system at just the time of item one. Item three, we've worked together before and the Board knows it. Isn't that a sweet, inevitable set-up? The answer just pops out of a slot.† â€Å"Be careful,† said Gorov, tautly. â€Å"There'll be someone listening. Are you wearing a Field Distorter?† Ponyets indicated the ornamented bracelet that hugged his wrist and Gorov relaxed. Ponyets looked about him. The cell was bare, but large. It was well-lit and it lacked offensive odors. He said, â€Å"Not bad. They're treating you with kid gloves.† Gorov brushed the remark aside, â€Å"Listen, how did you get down here? I've been in strict solitary for almost two weeks.† â€Å"Ever since I came, huh? Well, it seems the old bird who's boss here has his weak points. He leans toward pious speeches, so I took a chance that worked. I'm here in the capacity of your spiritual adviser. There's something about a pious man such as he. He will cheerfully cut your throat if it suits him, but he will hesitate to endanger the welfare of your immaterial and problematical soul. It's just a piece of empirical psychology. A trader has to know a little of everything.† Gorov's smile was sardonic, â€Å"And you've been to theological school as well. You're all right, Ponyets. I'm glad they sent you. But the Grand Master doesn't love my soul exclusively. Has he mentioned a ransom?† The trader's eyes narrowed, â€Å"He hinted barely. And he also threatened death by gas. I played safe, and dodged; it might easily have been a trap. So it's extortion, is it? What is it he wants?† â€Å"Gold.† â€Å"Gold!† Ponyets frowned. â€Å"The metal itself? What for?† â€Å"It's their medium of exchange.† â€Å"Is it? And where do I get gold from?† â€Å"Wherever you can. Listen to me; this is important. Nothing will happen to me as long as the Grand Master has the scent of gold in his nose. Promise it to him; as much as he asks for. Then go back to the Foundation, if necessary, to get it. When I'm free, we'll be escorted out of the system, and then we part company.† Ponyets stared disapprovingly, â€Å"And then you'll come back and try again.† â€Å"It's my assignment to sell nucleics to Askone.† â€Å"They'll get you before you've gone a parsec in space. You know that, I suppose.† â€Å"I don't,† said Gorov. â€Å"And if I did, it wouldn't affect things.† â€Å"They'll kill you the second time.† Gorov shrugged. Ponyets said quietly, â€Å"If I'm going to negotiate with the Grand Master again, I want to know the whole story. So far, I've been working it too blind. As it was, the few mild remarks I did make almost threw his Veneration into fits.† â€Å"It's simple enough,† said Gorov. â€Å"The only way we can increase the security of the Foundation here in the Periphery is to form a religion-controlled commercial empire. We're still too weak to be able to force political control. It's all we can do to hold the Four Kingdoms.† Ponyets was nodding. â€Å"This I realize. And any system that doesn't accept nuclear gadgets can never be placed under our religious control† â€Å"And can therefore become a focal point for independence and hostility. Yes.† â€Å"All right, then,† said Ponyets, â€Å"so much for theory. Now what exactly prevents the sale. Religion? The Grand Master implied as much.† â€Å"It's a form of ancestor worship. Their traditions tell of an evil past from which they were saved by the simple and virtuous heroes of the past generations. It amounts to a distortion of the anarchic period a century ago, when the imperial troops were driven out and an independent government was set up. Advanced science and nuclear power in particular became identified with the old imperial regime they remember with horror.† â€Å"That so? But they have nice little ships which spotted me very handily two parsecs away. That smells of nucleics to me.† Gorov shrugged. â€Å"Those ships are holdovers of the Empire, no doubt. Probably with nuclear drive. What they have, they keep. The point is that they will not innovate and their internal economy is entirely non-nuclear. That is what we must change.† â€Å"How were you going to do it?† â€Å"By breaking the resistance at one point. To put it simply, if I could sell a penknife with a force-field blade to a nobleman, it would be to his interest to force laws that would allow him to use it. Put that baldly, it sounds silly, but it is sound, psychologically. To make strategic sales, at strategic points, would be to create a pro-nucleics faction at court.† â€Å"And they send you for that purpose, while I'm only here to ransom you and leave, while you keep on trying? Isn't that sort of tail-backward?† â€Å"In what way?† said Gorov, guardedly. â€Å"Listen,† Ponyets was suddenly exasperated, â€Å"you're a diplomat, not a trader, and calling you a trader won't make you one. This case is for one who's made a business of selling and I'm here with a full cargo stinking into uselessness, and a quota that won't ever be met, it looks like.† â€Å"You mean you're going to risk your life on something that isn't your business?† Gorov smiled thinly. Ponyets said, â€Å"You mean that this is a matter of patriotism and traders aren't patriotic?† â€Å"Notoriously not. Pioneers never are.† â€Å"All right. I'll grant that. I don't scoot about space to save the Foundation or anything like that. But I'm out to make money, and this is my chance. If it helps the Foundation at the same time, all the better. And I've risked my life on slimmer chances.† Ponyets rose, and Gorov rose with him, â€Å"What are you going to do?† The trader smiled, â€Å"Gorov, I don't know not yet. But if the crux of the matter is to make a sale, then I'm your man. I'm not a boaster as a general thing, but there's one thing I'll always back up. I've never ended up below quota yet.† The door to the cell opened almost instantly when he knocked, and two guards fell in on either side. 4. â€Å"A show!† said the Grand Master, grimly. He settled himself well into his furs, and one thin hand grasped the iron cudgel he used as a cane. â€Å"And gold, your Veneration.† â€Å"And gold,† agreed the Grand Master, carelessly. Ponyets set the box down and opened it with as fine an appearance of confidence as he could manage. He felt alone in the face of universal hostility; the way he had felt out in space his first year. The semicircle of bearded councilors who faced him down, stared unpleasantly. Among them was Pherl, the thin-faced favorite who sat next to the Grand Master in stiff hostility. Ponyets had met him once already and marked him immediately as prime enemy, and, as a consequence, prime victim. Outside the hall, a small army awaited events. Ponyets was effectively isolated from his ship; he lacked any weapon, but his attempted bribe; and Gorov was still a hostage. He made the final adjustments on the clumsy monstrosity that had cost him a week of ingenuity, and prayed once again that the lead-lined quartz would stand the strain. â€Å"What is it?† asked the Grand Master. â€Å"This,† said Ponyets, stepping back, â€Å"is a small device I have constructed myself.† â€Å"That is obvious, but it is not the information I want. Is it one of the black-magic abominations of your world?† â€Å"It is nuclear in nature, admitted Ponyets, gravely, â€Å"but none of you need touch it, or have anything to do with it. It is for myself alone, and if it contains abominations, I take the foulness of it upon myself.† The Grand Master had raised his iron cane at the machine in a threatening gesture and his lips moved rapidly and silently in a purifying invocation. The thin-faced councilor at his right leaned towards him and his straggled red mustache approached the Grand Master's ear. The ancient Askonian petulantly shrugged himself free. â€Å"And what is the connection of your instrument of evil and the gold that may save your countryman's life?† â€Å"With this machine,† began Ponyets, as his hand dropped softly onto the central chamber and caressed its hard, round flanks, â€Å"I can turn the iron you discard into gold of the finest quality. It is the only device known to man that will take iron the ugly iron, your Veneration, that props up the chair you sit in and the walls of this building and change it to shining, heavy, yellow gold.† Ponyets felt himself botching it. His usual sales talk was smooth, facile and plausible; but this limped like a shot-up space wagon. But it was the content, not the form, that interested the Grand Master. â€Å"So? Transmutation? Men have been fools who have claimed the ability. They have paid for their prying sacrilege.† â€Å"Had they succeeded?† â€Å"No.† The Grand Master seemed coldly amused. â€Å"Success at producing gold would have been a crime that carried its own antidote. It is the attempt plus the failure that is fatal. Here, what can you do with my staff?† He pounded the floor with it. â€Å"Your Veneration will excuse me. My device is a small model, prepared by myself, and your staff is too long.† The Grand Master's small shining eye wandered and stopped, â€Å"Randel, your buckles. Come, man, they shall be replaced double if need be.† The buckles passed down the line, hand to hand. The Grand Master weighed them thoughtfully. â€Å"Here,† he said, and threw them to the floor. Ponyets picked them up. He tugged hard before the cylinder opened, and his eyes blinked and squinted with effort as he centered the buckles carefully on the anode screen. Later, it would be easier but there must be no failures the first time. The homemade transmuter crackled malevolently for ten minutes while the odor of ozone became faintly present. The Askonians backed away, muttering, and again Pherl whispered urgently into his ruler's ear. The Grand Master's expression was stony. He did not budge. And the buckles were gold. Ponyets held them out to the Grand Master with a murmured, â€Å"Your Veneration!† but the old man hesitated, then gestured them away. His stare lingered upon the transmuter. Ponyets said rapidly, â€Å"Gentlemen, this is pure gold. Gold through and through. You may subject it to every known physical and chemical test, if you wish to prove the point. It cannot be identified from naturally-occurring gold in any way. Any iron can be so treated. Rust will not interfere, not will a moderate amount of alloying metals† But Ponyets spoke only to fill a vacuum. He let the buckles remain in his outstretched hand, and it was the gold that argued for him. The Grand Master stretched out a slow hand at last, and the thin-faced Pherl was roused to open speech. â€Å"Your Veneration, the gold is from a poisoned source.† And Ponyets countered, â€Å"A rose can grow from the mud, your Veneration. In your dealings with your neighbors, you buy material of all imaginable variety, without inquiring as to where they get it, whether from an orthodox machine blessed by your benign ancestors or from some space-spawned outrage. Come, I don't offer the machine. I offer the gold.† â€Å"Your Veneration,† said Pherl, â€Å"you are not responsible for the sins of foreigners who work neither with your consent nor knowledge. But to accept this strange pseudo-gold made sinfully from iron in your presence and with your consent is an affront to the living spirits of our holy ancestors.† â€Å"Yet gold is gold,† said the Grand Master, doubtfully, â€Å"and is but an exchange for the heathen person of a convicted felon. Pherl, you are too critical.† But he withdrew his hand. Ponyets said, â€Å"You are wisdom, itself, your Veneration. Consider to give up a heathen is to lose nothing for your ancestors, whereas with the gold you get in exchange you can ornament the shrines of their holy spirits. And surely, were gold evil in itself, if such, a thing could be, the evil would depart of necessity once the metal were put to such pious use.† â€Å"Now by the bones of my grandfather,† said the Grand Master with surprising vehemence. His lips separated in a shrill laugh, â€Å"Pherl, what do you say of this young man? The statement is valid. It is as valid as the words of my ancestors.† Pherl said gloomily, â€Å"So it would seem. Grant that the validity does not turn out to be a device of the Malignant Spirit.† â€Å"I'll make it even better,† said Ponyets, suddenly. â€Å"Hold the gold in hostage. Place it on the altars of your ancestors as an offering and hold me for thirty days. If at the end of that time, there is no evidence of displeasure if no disasters occur surely, it would be proof that the offering was accepted. What more can be offered?† And when the Grand Master rose to his feet to search out disapproval, not a man in the council failed to signal his agreement. Even Pherl chewed the ragged end of his mustache and nodded curtly. Ponyets smiled and meditated on the uses of a religious education. 5. Another week rubbed away before the meeting with Pherl was arranged. Ponyets felt the tension, but he was used to the feeling of physical helplessness now. He had left city limits under guard. He was in Pherl's suburban villa under guard. There was nothing to do but accept it without even looking over his shoulder. Pherl was taller and younger outside the circle of Elders. In nonformal costume, he seemed no Elder at all. He said abruptly, â€Å"You're a peculiar man.† His close-set eyes seemed to quiver. â€Å"You've done nothing this last week, and particularly these last two hours, but imply that I need gold. It seems useless labor, for who does not? Why not advance one step?† â€Å"It is not simply gold,† said Ponyets, discreetly. â€Å"Not simply gold. Not merely a coin or two. It is rather all that lies behind gold.† â€Å"Now what can lie behind gold?† prodded Pherl, with a down-curved smile. â€Å"Certainly this is not the preliminary of another clumsy demonstration.† â€Å"Clumsy?† Ponyets frowned slightly. â€Å"Oh, definitely.† Pherl folded his hands and nudged them gently with his chin. â€Å"I don't criticize you. The clumsiness was on purpose, I am sure. I might have warned his Veneration of that, had I been certain of the motive. Now had I been you, I would have produced the gold upon my ship, and offered it alone. The show you offered us and the antagonism you aroused would have been dispensed with.† â€Å"True,† Ponyets admitted, â€Å"but since I was myself, I accepted the antagonism for the sake of attracting your attention.† â€Å"Is that it? Simply that?† Pherl made no effort to hide his contemptuous amusement. â€Å"And I imagine you suggested the thirty-day purification period that you might assure yourself time to turn the attraction into something a bit more substantial. But what if the gold turns out to be impure?† Ponyets allowed himself a dark humor in return, â€Å"When the judgement of that impurity depends upon those who are most interested in finding it pure?† Pherl lifted his eyes and stared narrowly at the trader. He seemed at once surprised and satisfied. â€Å"A sensible point. Now tell me why you wished to attract me.† â€Å"This I will do. In the short time I have been here, I have observed useful facts that concern you and interest me. For instance, you are young-very young for a member of the council, and even of a relatively young family.† â€Å"You criticize my family?† â€Å"Not at all. Your ancestors are great and holy; all will admit that. But there are those that say you are not a member of one of the Five Tribes.† Pherl leaned back, â€Å"With all respect to those involved,† and he did not hide his venom, â€Å"the Five Tribes have impoverished loins and thin blood. Not fifty members of the Tribes are alive.† â€Å"Yet there are those who say the nation would not be willing to see any man outside the Tribes as Grand Master. And so young and newly-advanced a favorite of the Grand Master is bound to make powerful enemies among the great ones of the State it is said. His Veneration is aging and his protection will not last past his death, when it is an enemy of yours who will undoubtedly be the one to interpret the words of his Spirit.† Pherl scowled, â€Å"For a foreigner you hear much. Such ears are made for cropping.† â€Å"That may be decided later.† â€Å"Let me anticipate.† Pherl stirred impatiently in his seat. â€Å"You're going to offer me wealth and power in terms of those evil little machines you carry in your ship. Well?† â€Å"Suppose it so. What would be your objection? Simply your standard of good and evil?† Pherl shook his head. â€Å"Not at all. Look, my Outlander, your opinion of us in your heathen agnosticism is what it is but I am not the entire slave of our mythology, though I may appear so. I am an educated man, sir, and, I hope, an enlightened one. The full depth of our religious customs, in the ritualistic rather than the ethical sense, is for the masses.† â€Å"Your objection, then?† pressed Ponyets, gently. â€Å"Just that. The masses. I might be willing to deal with you, but your little machines must be used to be useful. How might riches come to me, if I had to use what is it you sell? well, a razor, for instance, only in the strictest, trembling secrecy. Even if my chin were more simply and more cleanly shaven, how would I become rich? And how would I avoid death by gas chamber or mob frightfulness if I were ever once caught using it?† Ponyets shrugged, â€Å"You are correct. I might point out that the remedy would be to educate your own people into the use of nucleics for their convenience and your own substantial profit. It would be a gigantic piece of work; I don't deny it; but the returns would be still more gigantic. Still that is your concern, and, at the moment, not mine at all. For I offer neither razor, knife, nor mechanical garbage disposer.† â€Å"What do you offer?† â€Å"Gold itself. Directly. You may have the machine I demonstrated last week.† And now Pherl stiffened and the skin on his forehead moved jerkily. â€Å"The transmuter?† â€Å"Exactly. Your supply of gold will equal your supply of iron. That, I imagine, is sufficient for all needs. Sufficient for the Grand Mastership itself, despite youth and enemies. And it is safe.† â€Å"In what way?† â€Å"In that secrecy is the essence of its use; that same secrecy you described as the only safety with regard to nucleics. You may bury the transmuter in the deepest dungeon of the strongest fortress on your furthest estate, and it will still bring you instant wealth. It is the gold you buy, not the machine, and that gold bears no trace of its manufacture, for it cannot be told from the natural creation.† â€Å"And who is to operate the machine?† â€Å"Yourself. Five minutes teaching is all you will require. I'll set it up for you wherever you wish.† â€Å"And in return?† â€Å"Well,† Ponyets grew cautious. â€Å"I ask a price and a handsome one. It is my living. Let us say, for it its a valuable machine the equivalent of a cubic foot of gold in wrought iron.† Pherl laughed, and Ponyets grew red. â€Å"I point out, sir,† he added, stiffly, â€Å"that you can get your price back in two hours.† â€Å"True, and in one hour, you might be gone, and my machine might suddenly turn out to be useless. I'll need a guarantee.† â€Å"You have my word.† â€Å"A very good one,† Pherl bowed sardonically, â€Å"but your presence would be an even better assurance. I'll give you my word to pay you one week after delivery in working order.† â€Å"Impossible.† â€Å"Impossible? When you've already incurred the death penalty very handily by even offering to sell me anything. The only alternative is my word that you'll get the gas chamber tomorrow otherwise.† Ponyet's face was expressionless, but his eyes might have flickered. He said, â€Å"It is an unfair advantage. You will at least put your promise in writing?† â€Å"And also become liable for execution? No, sir!† Pherl smiled a broad satisfaction. â€Å"No, sir! Only one of us is a fool.† The trader said in a small voice, â€Å"It is agreed, then.† 6. Gorov was released on the thirtieth day, and five hundred pounds of the yellowest gold took his place. And with him was released the quarantined and untouched abomination that was his ship. Then, as on the journey into the Askonian system, so on the journey out, the cylinder of sleek little ships ushered them on their way. Ponyets watched the dimly sun-lit speck that was Gorov's ship while Gorov's voice pierced through to him, clear and thin on the tight, distortion-bounded ether-beam. He was saying, â€Å"But it isn't what's wanted, Ponyets. A transmuter won't do. Where did you get one, anyway?† â€Å"I didn't,† Ponyets answer was patient. â€Å"I juiced it up out of a food irradiation chamber. It isn't any good, really. The power consumption is prohibitive on any large scale or the Foundation would use transmutation instead of chasing all over the Galaxy for heavy metals. It's one of the standard tricks every trader uses, except that I never saw an iron-to-gold one before. But it's impressive, and it works very temporarily.† â€Å"All right. But that particular trick is no good.† â€Å"It got you out of a nasty spot.† â€Å"That is very far from the point. Especially since I've got to go back, once we shake our solicitous escort.† â€Å"Why?† â€Å"You yourself explained it to this politician of yours,† Gorov's voice was on edge. â€Å"Your entire sales-point rested on the fact that the transmuter was a means to an end, but of no value in itself, that he was buying the gold, not the machine. It was good psychology, since it worked, but† â€Å"But?† Ponyets urged blandly and obtusely. The voice from the receiver grew shriller, â€Å"But we want to sell them a machine of value in itself, something they would want to use openly; something that would tend to force them out in favor of nuclear techniques as a matter of self-interest.† â€Å"I understand all that,† said Ponyets, gently. â€Å"You once explained it. But look at what follows from my sale, will you? As long as that transmuter lasts, Pherl will coin gold; and it will last long enough to buy him the next election. The present Grand Master won't last long.† â€Å"You count on gratitude?† asked Gorov, coldly. â€Å"No on intelligent self-interest. The transmuter gets him an election; other mechanisms† â€Å"No! No! Your premise is twisted. It's not the transmuter, he'll credit it'll be the good, old-fashioned gold. That's what I'm trying to tell you.† Ponyets grinned and shifted into a more comfortable position. All right. He'd baited the poor fellow sufficiently. Gorov was beginning to sound wild. The trader said, â€Å"Not so fast, Gorov. I haven't finished. There are other gadgets already involved.† There was a short silence. Then, Gorov's voice sounded cautiously, â€Å"What other gadgets?† Ponyets gestured automatically and uselessly, â€Å"You see that escort?† â€Å"I do,† said Gorov shortly. â€Å"Tell me about those gadgets.† â€Å"I will, ?if you'll listen. That's Pherl's private navy escorting us; a special honor to him from the Grand Master. He managed to squeeze that out.† â€Å"So?† â€Å"And where do you think he's taking us? To his mining estates on the outskirts of Askone, that's where. Listen!† Ponyets was suddenly fiery, â€Å"I told you I was in this to make money, not to save worlds. All right. I sold that transmuter for nothing. Nothing except the risk of the gas chamber and that doesn't count towards the quota.† â€Å"Get back to the mining estates, Ponyets. Where do they come in?† â€Å"With the profits. We're stacking up on tin, Gorov. Tin to fill every last cubic foot this old scow can scrape up, and then some more for yours. I'm going down with Pherl to collect, old man, and you're going to cover me from upstairs with every gun you've got just in case Pherl isn't as sporting about the matter as he lets on to be. That tin's my profit.† â€Å"For the transmuter?† â€Å"For my entire cargo of nucleics. At double price, plus a bonus.† He shrugged, almost apologetically. â€Å"I admit I gouged him, but I've got to make quota, don't I?† Gorov was evidently lost. He said, weakly, â€Å"Do you mind explaining'?† â€Å"What's there to explain? It's obvious, Gorov. Look, the clever dog thought he had me in a foolproof trap, because his word was worth more than mine to the Grand Master. He took the transmuter. That was a capital crime in Askone. But at any time he could say that he had lured me on into a trap with the purest of patriotic motives, and denounce me as a seller of forbidden things.† â€Å"That was obvious.† â€Å"Sure, but word against simple word wasn't all there was to it. You see, Pherl had never heard nor conceived of a microfilm-recorder.† Gorov laughed suddenly. â€Å"That's right,† said Ponyets. â€Å"He had the upper hand. I was properly chastened. But when I set up the transmuter for him in my whipped-dog fashion, I incorporated the recorder into the device and removed it in the next day's overhaul. I had a perfect record of his sanctum sanctorum, his holy-of-holies, with he himself, poor Pherl, operating the transmuter for all the ergs it had and crowing over his first piece of gold as if it were an egg he had just laid.† â€Å"You showed him the results?† â€Å"Two days later. The poor sap had never seen three-dimensional color-sound images in his life. He claims he isn't superstitious, but if I ever saw an adult look as scared as he did then, call me rookie. When I told him I had a recorder planted in the city square, set to go off at midday with a million fanatical Askonians to watch, and to tear him to pieces subsequently, he was gibbering at my knees in half a second. He was ready to make any deal I wanted.† â€Å"Did you?† Gorov's voice was suppressing laughter. â€Å"I mean, have one planted in the city square.† â€Å"No, but that didn't matter. He made the deal. He bought every gadget I had, and every one you had for as much tin as we could carry. At that moment, he believed me capable of anything. The agreement is in writing and you'll have a copy before I go down with him, just as another precaution.† â€Å"But you've damaged his ego,† said Gorov. â€Å"Will he use the gadgets?† â€Å"Why not? It's his only way of recouping his losses, and if he makes money out of it, he'll salve his pride. And he will be the next Grand Master and the best man we could have in our favor.† â€Å"Yes,† said Gorov, â€Å"it was a good sale. Yet you've certainly got an uncomfortable sales technique. No wonder you were kicked out of a seminary. Have you no sense of morals?† â€Å"What are the odds?† said Ponyets, indifferently. â€Å"You know what Salvor Hardin said about a sense of morals.†